News and facts about the industry and our productsNew exclusive access to top-quality fluorescent Manganocalcite
Manganocalcite from Peru is in high demand because of its beautiful rose-color and excellent fluorescence. NOW WE HAVE GREAT NEWS!New Mining Operation provides top-quality materialLearn more about the Author:Manganocalcite from Peru is in high demand because of its...
The truth about Cinnabrite: crystals shops need to step up to their moral responsibility
Cinnabrite - globally sold as "the Merchant Stone", supposedly containing Cinnabar, the ancient "Dragon Blood" or "pink Epidote". As crystal dealers, we have a moral responsibility to protect the well-being of our customers and to speak the truth, which is why we...
How to save the planet while selling crystals
It is a known fact: Mining damages the environment. As a crystal shop owner, you are part of a destructive industry. What if there is a way for you to help save the planet by selling crystals? Literally!YOU ARE LUCKY !Because the dream has come true: How to save the...
5 ways how to identify exceptional high-quality cabochons, even if you are not Kim Kardashians stylist
Are you a professional or hobby jeweler who has been trying for days to find and buy a stunning center-piece cabochon for your next dream jewelry project by hunting for it in the halls of crystal fame at the Tucson Gem show, but all you saw were endless rows of...
10 ways to tackle expensive international shipping costs
Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru December 2022 Shipping costs are a major concern for many of our clients. And high shipping costs do negatively impact our business too. That is why we are undertaking constant efforts to reduce...
5 ways how to reduce bank charges for your payments
Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru September 2021 International payments are expensive. Often there are several service providers involved and each of them charges a fee. Additionally there are many times different rules around...
How we can help growing your business
Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru July 2022 Gemrock Peru S.A.C. was founded in 2017 and has grown to date to be a global producer/wholesaler for Peruvian crystals, gemstones and minerals. Today in 2020 more than 690...
Shopping crystals online: How to recognize a high quality crystal heart
Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru I need to be clear straight from the start of this blog article. I am terribly picky about quality in hearts. Correctly done its just such a beautiful shape. And if one knows what’s possible it just pains the heart...
Shopping Crystals Online: How to recognize quality-polish from a picture
Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru June 2021 I will reveal the Number 1 Secret Method to distinguish good from bad polish just by looking at a picture. Sometimes a new client, who did not yet have a chance...
Ethical Sourcing of Crystals – Part 2: Lapidary Production
Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru June 2021 Another dirty secret of the crystal industry exposed: shadow business in the lapidary production Ethical mining is the buzzword. Everybody talks about it. Many claim to...
Ethical Crystal Mining: What is it and how to do it?
Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru June 2021 Recently many of our clients do start asking questions about our minerals and crystals being ethically mined. We are very glad about this growing interest of retail businesses all...
3 reasons why it is better to charge by the unit than by the kilogram
Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru June 2021 Gemstone producers, wholesalers and retailers are used to buy and sell in kilograms of products. Gemrock Peru is breaking with the accustomed way by charging our clients by the...
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Our showroom is not open to the general public, but you can always contact us to organize a visit.
Our showroom is not open to the general public, but you can always contact us to organize a visit.
Phone / WhatsApp / Telegram
+(51) 99 410 42 06
Jirón Arquímedes 163
Chorillos, Lima, Peru