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Stefan Austermühle, General Manager of Gemrock Peru                                        June 2021


I will reveal the Number 1 Secret Method to distinguish good from bad polish just by looking at a picture.

Sometimes a new client, who did not yet have a chance to hold a sphere, heart, or pyramid from Gemrock Peru in his hand, tells us that he would prefer to meet us at a gem show to be able to see the quality of our products first hand.

When it comes to polish quality, however, recognizing top quality and distinguishing it from bad quality just by looking at a picture is surprisingly easy, if you know this ONE secret method that we will reveal to you NOW:

You actually have to focus on just one criterion.

Here is the easy tip:

The better the polish the less diffuse the light reflections of lamps on the crystal surface.

Or say it the other way around:

The better the polish the sharper the borders of the light reflection.


The better the polish the more details of the photographer’s environment are reflected like in a mirror on the surface of the crystal product: the photographer’s camera, hands, and even face, windows, furniture, or any other objects close to the crystal.

In the following, we have prepared some comparative examples. On the left side, you will see examples of badly polished spheres that we have copied from the internet. On the right side, you will see typical Gemrock spheres and hearts with a high-quality polish.

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Gemrocks´ Startup Support

Starting a crystalshop (online or physical) is not easy – we know. But we believe in you and we have your back, because your success is ours.

We support startup companies with lower shipping prices. You can order without minimum amounts. We offer dropshipping and “Buy now, Pay later” agreements, as well as intensive business coaching. 

Just one word of caution before you start:

Not all types of stone polish the same. Porous stones, for example, generally spoken, can’t be polished very well. One example is Peruvian Black Jade. Even if we have learned the trick and our black jade spheres are probably the best-polished ones in the market, a black jade sphere´s polish will never get to the incredible polish of a Red Aragonite sphere, a Huanucite Sphere or a Caramel Calcite sphere.

Badly polished Angelite Sphere





Badly polished Leopardite Sphere

Badly polished Aragonite Sphere

Quality-polished Angelite Sphere from Gemrock.

Additional Comment: The stronger blue in our sphere is NOT a result of photoshopping it. We actually do have a method of polishing that makes the natural color of many stones pop up a bit more. And it is not tainting them. Its the right way of polishing

Quality-polished Leopardite Sphere from Gemrock.

Quality-polished Aragonite Sphere from Gemrock.

Badly polished Chrysocolla Sphere

Terribly bad polished Pyrite Sphere

Quality-polished Chrysocolla Sphere from Gemrock.

Quality-polished Pyrite heart from Gemrock.

Good quality polish in Pyrite produces a mirror-like metallic surface. 

Our Quality is always TOP


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