Stefan Austermühle, CEO of Gemrock Peru Last Updated: 02/2025
- You can try to be the cheapest – but there will always be someone cheaper.
- You can try to be fast – but there will always be someone faster than you.
- You can try to perform best – but there will always be someone who has a better service than you.
- You can try to follow every trend – But as long as you follow you will never be the one setting it.
Do NOT compete!
Stand out from the crowd
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The Problem: Too much competition
Websites on the internet, google search position, Amazon, Etsy, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook,… name it!
Whatever marketplace you look at, you will find it full of crystal shops and wholesalers already present.
You are finding yourself in what Chan Kim & Renée Mauborgne coined a ’red ocean’.

RED OCEANS are all the known market spaces. Here, companies try to outperform their rivals to grab a greater share of existing demand. As the market space gets crowded, profits and growth are reduced. Products become commodities, leading to cutthroat or ‘bloody’ competition. Hence the term red oceans.
NOW: Imagine!
- Just suppose you can sell your crystal products with higher profit margins.
- Just suppose you can make more money with less effort (less time away from family, for example).
- Just suppose your clients are happier with their crystal products.
YOU CAN SEE, how your sales and profits are rising, can you?
The Solution: Sailing into a Blue Ocean!

In BLUE OCEANS, demand is CREATED rather than fought over. In Blue Oceans, competition is irrelevant. A blue ocean is vast, deep, and powerful in terms of profitable growth.
Create uncontested market space.
Make the competition irrelevant.
Create and capture new demand.

“In a world full of pebbles, dare to be a crystal.”
adapted from Matshona Dhliwayo

Here is one Example:
Why would you waste your time trying to sell the same boring low cost, low beauty, mass-produced Chinese stone mushrooms like anybody else (left side, on mobile: first pic), when you can sell instead unique hand-made beautiful top-quality mushrooms (right side, on mobile: second pic) that nobody else has. You can sell them at a higher price with a higher profit margin.

Our mushrooms were custom-made at the request of one of our clients.
Here is what he wrote us:
“The people that have purchased your products so far are in love with them. Many of your items have done quite well for us and have attracted a lot of attention. They are clearly superior to a lot of the stuff on the market. I am sure we will be placing many more orders in the future. I truly appreciate all of the attention and care you put into everything. We need more people like you in the industry“

When are YOU going to contact us to get your unique custom-made crystal product?
Custom-made decor products
Designer cabs from our materials or from your rocks
Custom-made jewelry designs
We help you to stand out from the crowd and earn more money easier.

Gemrocks´ Startup Support
Starting a crystalshop (online or physical) is not easy – we know. But we believe in you and we have your back, because your success is ours.
We support startup companies with lower shipping prices. You can order without minimum amounts. We offer “Buy now, Pay later” agreements, as well as intensive business coaching.
Stay in touch wherever you want and can!
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