New exclusive access to top-quality fluorescent Manganocalcite

Manganocalcite from Peru is in high demand in the crystal wholesale because of its beautiful rose-color and excellent fluorescence.  NOW WE HAVE GREAT NEWS! New Mining Operation provides top-quality material Connect with the author on LinkedIn: Stefan Austermühle...

How to save the planet while selling crystals

It is a known fact: Mining damages the environment. As a crystal shop owner, you are part of a destructive industry. What if there is a way for you to help save the planet by selling crystals? Literally! YOU ARE LUCKY ! Because the dream has come true:  How to save...

Ethical Sourcing of Crystals – Part 2: Lapidary Production

Stefan Austermühle, CEO of Gemrock Peru                           Last Updated: 12/2024 Another dirty secret of the crystal industry exposed: shadow business in the lapidary production   Connect with the author on LinkedIn: Stefan Austermühle Ethical mining is...

Ethical Crystal Mining: What is it and how to do it?

Stefan Austermühle, CEO of Gemrock Peru                           Last updated 12/2024 Recently many of our clients do start asking questions about our minerals and crystals being ethically mined. We are very glad about this growing interest of retail businesses all...