Peruvian Quantum Cuatro

Fluorescent and phosphorescent Coati Aragonite
Quantum Cuattro obelisc towers

About Peruvian Quantum Cuatro

Being straightforward: Originally Quantum Cuatro was the trade name for a mineral combination of shattuckite, dioptase, malachite, and chrysocolla on smoky quartz that was found in Namibia. Peruvian Quantum Cuatro is a very similar combination of quartz, malachite, and chrysocolla, that was found in Peru. It was originally sold as chrysocuarzo (Chrysocolla in quartz) but then Peruvian dealers switched to rebrand it as Quantum Cuatro when the nearly identical look and very similar composition became obvious. We are trying to make people aware of this difference by clearly stating that our products are made from Peruvian quantum cuatro.

Peruvian Quantum Cuatro is sourced from the Tentadora mine in Peru. It is a huge single body of quartz. Malachite and chrysocolla have infiltrated the finest hair cracks and spaces within this mass of quartz and have filled cracks and holes in the quartz mass with a thin overlay of their botryoidal microcrystals. The quartz mass also exposes regularly big pockets of quartz crystals that are overlayed with dark copper oxide, as well as malachite and chrysocolla crystals. Those crystal clusters are known as Tentadora mine crystal clusters. Apart from our products made from the Quantum Cuatro quartz mass, we do sell those clusters in flats for commercial clients.

We do grade Quantum Cuatro in three quality classes:

Quantum Cuatro premium (or TOP): Material with very strong coloration with a high content of malachite and chrysocolla, often with dark copper oxide and many times with crystal-filled cracks.

Quantum Cuatro Mixed Grades: All coloration grades from Quantum Cuatro Quartz to Premium come without sorting.

Quantum Cuatro Quartz: mainly transparent and translucent milky quartz with a touch of green and turquoise color from small quantities of chrysocolla and malachite, comes with cracks that show botroidal microcrystals.

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Quantum Cuattro obelisc towers
Quantum cuattro pyramid
Quantum Cuattro sphere
Quantum cuattro pyramid
Quantum Cuattro obelisc towers
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Quantum Cuattro free forms
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Quantum Cuattro egg
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coati aragonite worry stone
coati aragonite worry stone under UV light
Quantum cuattro quartz egg
Quantum Cuatro Gratitude Stone
Quantum Cuatro Gratitude Stone
Quantum Cuatro Gratitude Stone
Chrysocolla in Quartz hearts
Chrysocolla in Quartz moons
Chrysocolla in Quartz hearts
Quantum Cuattro obelisc towers
Quantum cuattro pyramid
Quantum cuattro crescent moons
Quantum Cuattro free forms
quantum cuattro egg
Quantum Cuattro free forms
Quantum Cuattro free forms
Quantum Cuatro Gratitude Stone
Quantum Cuattro obelisc towers
Quantum cuattro pyramid
quantum cuattro crescent moons
Quantum cuattro free forms
Quantum Cuattro egg
Quantum cuattro free forms
Quantum Cuattro sphere
Quantum Cuatro Gratitude Stone

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Shapes made with Quantum Cuatro

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