
Canadian Pinolite rough cut

Gemrocks Hematite mining

In 2021, Gemrock Peru started mining epidote and tourmaline in the desert mountains of Lima province in Peru. Much to our surprise we also did find small outcrops of Hematite, which are now mined by us too. We are also finding cubic hematite crystals.

Hematite is a common iron oxide compound with the formula, Fe2O3. Hematite naturally occurs in black-to-steel or silver-gray, brown to reddish-brown, or red colors. It is mined as an important ore of iron. It is electrically conductive.

The name hematite is derived from the Greek word for blood, due to the red coloration found in some varieties of hematite.

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Pinolite bracelet
Hematite tumbled from Gemrock Perus Mining operation
Carved pinolite skull
Hematite tumbled from Gemrock Perus Mining operation

Partner with us and offer your clients environmentally friendly and carbon-neutral crystal products:

Our Sustainability Report 2021

Know more about what we achieved, what we struggle with and how you can help:

Products made with Hematite

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Functional Decor

Cutting services

Do you need reliable high-quality cutting services for a reasonable price?  Are you looking for a service provider that is willing to develop new products according to your requirements? Would you like to get expert advice in order to improve your product? Do you wish for someone to optimize the process and get the most out of your rough? Just talk to us.

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+51 994104206


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