Azurite "Ocean Blue"

About Azurite "Ocean Blue"

Azurite “Ocean Blue” comes from a vein that was discovered in 2018 near Tarma in the Peruvian Andes.

Please note: The vein has run dry. This material is not anymore available for new products. We are holding a handful of kilos for our own jewelry production and maybe would sell a few grams to gem cutters if ordered. You can still order jewelry with Ocean Blue Azurite from us.

It is a mixture of azurite, malachite, and white limestone being crossed by fine brown oxidation layers. Parts of the vein also include quartz. The vein was only about 4 cm thick.

Master Cabochon made from Ocean Blue Azurite 3
drop shaped Master Cabochon made from Azurite Ocean Blue
Master Cabochon made from Ocean Blue Azurite 4
Azurite "Blue Ocean" hearts
Azurite "Blue Ocean" heart
Blue ocean Azurite worry stone
Blue ocean Azurite worry stone
Master Cabochon made from Ocean Blue Azurite 3
Azurite "Blue Ocean" hearts
Azurite "Blue Ocean" hearts
Blue ocean Azurite worry stone
drop shaped Master Cabochon made from Azurite Ocean Blue
Azurite "Blue Ocean" heart
Azurite "Blue Ocean" heart
Azurite "Blue Ocean" heart

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Shapes made with Azurite “Ocean Blue”

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