Register here as retail business for your wholesale account


Dear Crystal Shop Owner. We just got aware of the fact that for some reason the form below is NOT working anymore. We will not receive the information. The same is true for the contact forms on the website. They are not working either. I am very sorry for this inconvenience. We are trying to resolve this problem as soon as possible.


Meanwhile, I would like to ask you to please contact me, Stefan Austermühle, CEO of Gemrock Peru, personally, so that I can register your company manually.

Please write me to:


Please provide me with the following information:

Your full name:

Your Company name:

Your full address (Street, City, Country):

Your phone number:


Thank you very much for your patience.

You are already part of it:

The fact that you are on this registry page, means that you have already subscribed to our newsletter for commercial clients. We will keep you informed about new products, new product lines, new stones, special offers and any other important business news from Gemrock Peru.

Just one more step:

You are on our wholesale website. In order to provide you with our confidential wholesale prices we need to make sure you are representing a legitimate retail business.

Please fill out the contact information form below and provide us with as many information on your website and/or social networks as you can.

We will review your information within at most 48 hours (on labor days). After the manual review process, one of our sales representatives will contact you personally by phone, email, WhatsAPP or Telegram in order to provide you with the download link for our retail catalogue and to help you with any information you need about our products, prices, logistics as well as to give you any support you may need in order to make your first order.

Thank you very much for your patience.


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Our Sales Representatives:

GemrockPeru Generalmanager Stefan Austermühle

Stefan Austermühle

General Manager of Gemrock Peru S.A.C.

Even though being general manager of Gemrock Peru S.A.C. results in a great number of tasks that fill my day, I still love to maintain direct contact with our clients and support you with all my knowledge and experience on rocks, minerals and crystals, as well as the production process.

Is there anything you wish to know about:

Shipping cost and logistics, Payment options, Product quality, Packaging, Shipping damage, Refunds, etc. ?

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Our Sustainability Report 2021

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Do you have any further question?

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+51 994104206


Our Address

Jirón Arquímedes 163

Lima, Chorrillos


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+51 994104206

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