Tumbled Stones

Guaranteed jewelry Quality

Tumbled stones are called like this because they are produced in tumbling machines and with mass finish. While this is easy to do with hard stones, many Peruvian materials, however, do not allow for using tumblers, because they are so soft or fractured that they would simply break or end up completely scratched after such a process. Therefore, in Peru, tumbled stones are mostly made by hand and piece by piece.

When making tumbled stones one usually uses cut-offs from other production processes to produce at least part of the stones. But when buying tumbled stones from Gemrock you will never find one that actually looks like made from a cut-off by showing flat surfaces and straight edges. We do reshape all our tumbled stones piece by piece by hand in order to make them look exactly like a pebble would look like after ocean waves and river currents have shaped and tumbled him naturally.

All our tumbled stones are well shaped with a perfect polish and completely scratch free. All our tumbled stones can be easily used to produce high quality jewelry, and we do make such jewelry for you too.

Available Sizes

We are offering you 1 kilo packages containing tumbled stones sorted by size:

25-30 mm

30-40 mm

Tumbled with drilled wholes

We are also offering you 500 gr packages of tumbled stones with drilled holes for jewelry

Manganocalcite tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Leopardite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Manganocalcite tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Leopardite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Manganocalcite tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Leopardite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Manganocalcite tumbled
Chocolate Calcite tumbled stone
Leopardite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Manganocalcite tumbled
Chocolate Calcite tumbled stone
Leopardite tumbled
Semper Fi - green epidote with
Hematite tumbled from Gemrock Perus Mining operation
semper fi made of white orthoclase and black tourmaline
Chocolate Calcite tumbled stone
Leopardite tumbled
Semper Fi - green epidote with
Hematite tumbled from Gemrock Perus Mining operation
Manganocalcite tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Leopardite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Pyrite tumbled
Pink opal tumbled
Pinolite tumbled
Nephrite tumbled
Pyrite tumbled
Pink opal tumbled
Pink opal tumbled
Chocolate Calcite tumbled stone
Semper Fi - green epidote with
Semper Fi - green epidote with
Pink opal tumbled
Pinolite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Hematite tumbled from Gemrock Perus Mining operation
Hematite tumbled from Gemrock Perus Mining operation
Chrysocolla tumbled
Manganocalcite tumbled
Pink opal tumbled
Pink opal tumbled
Pink opal tumbled
semper fi made of white orthoclase and black tourmaline
semper fi made of white orthoclase and black tourmaline
Pink opal tumbled
Pyrite tumbled
Pink opal tumbled
Serpentinite tumbled
Leopardite tumbled
Nephrite tumbled
Pinolite tumbled
Chrysocolla tumbled
Manganocalcite tumbled

Materials used for Tumbled Stones




Rhodonite with epidote


Peruvian Pink Aragonite (high grade)

Cherry Blossom Stone (Cinnabrite)

Peruvian Quantum Cuatro



Peruvian Black Jade

Green Jade (Nephrite)



Canadian pinolite

Coati Aragonite

Peruvian Pink Opal

Red Aragonite



Peruvian Rosophia



Azurite "Ocean Blue"

Epidote crystals & products

Chrysocolla (var. "Mother Earth")

Chrysocolla (var. "Turquoise")

Tourmaline crystals & products

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+51 994104206


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